Three Stones has developed and implemented capacity building and organizational development workshops and training for a variety of stakeholders including communities, local and international NGOs and associations, youth and volunteer led organizations, donors and government officials.
Three Stones supports community and government capacity development employing local solutions. We offer comprehensive expertise in training, ensuring that communities and local leaders are skilled to successfully implement activities and sustainably achieve intended outcomes. We provide dynamic and collaborative services including impact analysis, policy advocacy, staff training, team-building and leadership development.
Three Stones believes in the power of capacity building to empower institutions and communities to better plan, manage, budget, monitor and evaluate project activities. By working to increase capacity, Three Stones has helped organizations and communities to improve accountability and program more effectively, equitably and efficiently. We believe that strengthened capacity heightens project ownership and improves the likelihood of sustainability.
Three Stones has considerable experience in Uganda and Rwanda, providing capacity-building and management support across multiple sectors, including: education, early childhood development, gender, governance, health, livelihoods and hygiene, water and sanitation. For example, to sensitize, deter and increase willingness among community members to prevent land grabbing crimes, Three Stones recently conducted a series of trainer-of-trainer activities for 25 community-based facilitators to lead behavior change communication dialogues in the Ugandan.
To date, Three Stones has conducted over 30 organizational capacity assessments. Based on the findings, we provide tailored support in areas such as: leadership development, project management, budget management, resource mobilization, proposal writing, and monitoring and evaluation. Additionally, we help civil society organizations ensure that appropriate and responsive systems and structures are in place. We have helped develop internal procedural manuals and policies for human resources, accounting, procurement, communication, coordination mechanisms, and reporting systems.
Using a collaborative approach, Three Stones works to strengthen leadership and management capacity that enables communities and organizations to achieve their mission and vision. Where possible, we utilize local expertise, which helps ensure that capacity-building projects are both contextualized and realistic. Three Stones can develop high quality and targeted materials and deliver comprehensive capacity-building trainings. We are dedicated to delivering impactful, sustainable results for communities, civil society organizations and governments.