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Gender equality is vital to achieve inclusive and sustainable development. While empowering women and girls to exercise their rights and build resilience, Three Stones believes it is also critical to actively engage men and boys as allies and advocates to challenge and eliminate oppressive gender norms and practices, gender-based discrimination and gender-based violence.


Gender is a central, cross-cutting driver of our work enabling a more inclusive word and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Therefore, we support stakeholders to realize their commitments to gender equality, women’s empowerment and women’s rights by providing guidance, management, coordination and technical support in:​

  • Gender mainstreaming: incorporating gender as a core policy and programmatic component for community and local organizations;

  • Programming and research: collaborative and participatory approach to ensure gender considerations are comprehensively integrated into the planning, design, and implementation of research and programming;

  • Promotion and advocacy: utilize gender-related findings and evidence-based practices in implementation to influence policy.

Our core areas of expertise include:

  • Strategic planning and capacity building for gender mainstreaming at organizational as well as programmatic level;

  • Gender policy development;

  • Developing gender sensitive budgets;

  • Organizational self-assessments of gender needs and capacity;

  • Gender-sensitive program evaluations including DFID and USAID funded programs;

  • Gender training for religious leaders and faith based organizations;

  • Conducting social research with gender dimensions;

  • Designing gender equality and gender-based violence prevention behavior change communication interventions for cross-sector programming.

Three Stones has completed multiple gender-related evaluations and assessments, as well as provided gender mainstreaming and gender-responsive capacity-building and training to local and regional civil society organizations. We consider gender integration to be a central component of our strategic mission and vision. We believe that there is a symbiotic relationship between how we operate as an organization and the success of the services that we offer and changes we seek to support in local communities.


Examples of Recent Three Stones gender-related work includes:


Plan International USA: Gender Gap Assessment

  • Carry out a two-phase multi-sectoral gender gap analysis for the Feed the Future/Hinga Weze project

  • Assist staff and partners to mainstream gender in the project

  • Assess gender barriers that project beneficiaries face in 10 districts

  • Recommend solutions to challenges that hinder gender mainstreaming in the activity

  • Inform Hinga Weze gender mainstreaming strategy and its implementation guidelines

  • Incorporate elements of the “Women's Empowerment in Agriculture Index” into the study and make recommendations of its use towards measuring Hinga Weze progress towards meaningful impact on gender outcomes.


Women for Women International: Development 0f A Change Agents Programme

  • Adapted and localize a globally introduced Change Agents’ advocacy curriculum for women graduates of WfWI-Rwanda’s core programme

  • Developed a practical curriculum suitable for Rwandan context

  • Facilitated 2 days training for WfWI staff to successfully deliver the curriculum.


UN Women: Feasibility Study for the development of a Women’s Center of Excellence in Rwanda

  • Liaised with government representatives including officials of the Ministry of Gender and Social Promotion as well as the Gender Monitoring Office and the National Women’s Council

  • Conducted literature review and provide examples of centers of excellence in Africa, as well as globally

  • Conducted a stakeholder mapping and interview prioritized stakeholder to gain perspectives regarding the demand for a center of excellence

  • Provided a concept note to UN Women and MIGEPROF which articulates the aims of a Women’s Center of Excellence.


Plan International Burkina Faso: Baseline Study for Project Promoting Equality and Safety in Schools

  • Collect baseline data for a Plan International project that seeks to reduce school-related gender based violence, promote gender equality, and provide menstrual health management in Burkina Faso. The baseline surveys and focus group discussions examine multiple barriers that prevent students from feeling safe, comfortable, and empowered in the school environment. 


Twiyubake program, Gender Training with Rwandan Religious Leaders

  • Facilitated gender training with 20 Rwandan Pastors, Priests and Religious leaders.

  • Developed a shared understanding of gender concepts, gender dynamics, and practical applications of biblical themes to sensitize people on gender topics.

  • Built common understanding of gender, the participants framed the practical application of gender concepts to the work of the church and religious organizations.

  • Identified passages, themes, and characters in the bible that demonstrate gender equity.

  • Developed a Religious Leaders Resource Tool Kit:

    • List of passages, characters, and themes in the Bible that demonstrate gender equity

    • Gender box activity to identify gender stereotypes and the negative consequences

    • List of potential gender obstacles in the bible and ways to overcome them

    • 4 activities using the bible to sensitize others on gender


Plan International Rwanda: Learning assessment on Plan International’s “Men Engage” Model for the ‘Girls Take the Lead’ Project

  • Conducted qualitative research among boys, mentors and parents in Gihembe and Nyabiheke refugee camps to determine the impact and effectiveness of the Men Engage Model employed in specifically created Boys4Change Clubs – platforms where 40 project-trained male youth community volunteers delivered a curriculum on gender equality and positive masculinities to 600 male adolescents.


International Justice Mission: Evaluation and Strengthening of SBCC Strategy to Support Community Engagement Initiatives within Land Grabbing Project. Uganda

  • Designed a multi-part SBCC Community Dialogues program, using a Men Engage Approach, to de-normalize land grabbing including a facilitator’s guide and revised SBCC messaging for target communities, that include widows and orphans.

  • Developed a comprehensive report inclusive of: key findings, recommendations and long-term strategies for integrating behavior change communication into IJM’s transformation programs in Uganda and regionally.

  • Facilitated ToT workshop for IJM staff on community dialogue, management and M&E.

  • Conducted a 5-day training for 24 facilitators who will lead the community dialogues.

  • Provided external on-going support to IJM as needed.


Girl Effect Rwanda: Mapping of Girl Networks

  • Interviewed key stakeholders at national level concerned with girls programming.

  • Conducted national dialogue workshop with organizations working with girls and girl clubs.

  • Conducted qualitative research with girls, boys, and parents across 10 districts.

  • Developed an extensive data base of clubs and girls’ networks across Rwanda.


USAID/Twiyubake Project: Gender Mainstreaming of Rwanda Partner Organizations

  • Provided capacity building training on gender mainstreaming and gender sensitivity training to local implementing partners of the USAID/Twiyubake project.

  • Developed gender policies and strategies for 6 Rwandan organizations.


Girl Effect Rwanda: Quantitative and Qualitative data collection for Evaluation of Girl Effect Brand Presence in Rwanda

  • Conducted data collection at a household level in 10 districts re-contacting a sample of 800 participants to evaluate impact and effectiveness of Girl Effect Brand.  


Girl Effect Rwanda: Masculinity Study

  • Qualitative research aimed at establishing boys and young men perceptions and experience living in urban and rural communities in Rwanda.

  • Review Girl Effect’s program and identify opportunities for Girl Effect Rwanda to engage with boys and young men in their programming.


Global Communities: Gender Gap Assessment of USAID/Twiyubake Program

  • Conducted a gender gap analysis of USAID/Twiyubake, including program goals, expected results, activities/components/services, indicators, planning and monitoring tools.

  • Assessed gender power relations at household and community levels, and examined how these affect women and men beneficiaries of USAID/Twiyubake program services.

  • Worked with USAID/ Twiyubake team to develop a gender mainstreaming strategy and related implementation plan to ensure that gender equality is systematically institutionalized within the program, including strategies to promote male engagement across the services and outcomes.


Plan International Rwanda: Baseline, Endline and Pre and Posttest survey for ‘Girls Take the Lead’ Project

  • Developed and conducted baseline and endline evaluation to explore and measure knowledge, attitudes and perceptions among girls and boys ages 12-17 in Gihembe and Nyabiheke refugee camps pertaining to: sexual and reproductive health and rights; child marriage; financial literacy; identity and self-esteem; decision-making abilities and opportunities; gender equality and ‘boy as allies’; GBV; violence prevention and safe spaces. Also, assessed access to counselling and referrals to SRHR services. 

  • Developed and conducted pre-test/post-test survey to measure effectiveness of program.


International Alert: Decision-making and Joint Control Rights over Land in Rwanda

  • Conducted quantitative and qualitative research to explore and measure knowledge, attitudes and perceptions concerning obstacles to women’s full participation in household-level decision-making concerning jointly-held land. Also, examined factors that exclude women from community-level decision-making bodies, specifically those involved with land-related issues.


Publication and Media

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