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Helping shape behaviors for healthy babies and families

Updated: Jun 21, 2019

The Rwanda National Maternal, Infant, and Young Child Nutrition (MIYCN) package is currently being updated and expanded under the guidance of The National Early Childhood Development Program (NECDP) and UNICEF in collaboration with members of the Food, Nutrition, WASH technical working group.  As a result, eleven new or modified counselling cards were developed and ready for field testing this last week.

Field testing of the counselling cards took place in two sites using focus group discussions with mother and community health workers, and in-depth interviews with healthcare workers, hospital nutritionists and fathers.

Coordinated by a team from USAID Advancing Nutrition (led by JSI), the field test team consisted of technical experts from NECDP, UNICEF, WHO, CRS, WFP, SNV, PIH and Three Stones. 

The aim was to gain insight of the utilization of the current MIYCN package and determine whether the proposed new and expanded images for the updated package were acceptable and understood by the target audience. 

Upon completion of the data collection, the team came together the next day to organize and analyse the pretest data, and outline recommendations for changes based on feedback from the community. 

Three Stones has appreciated the chance to contribute to this crucial and important aspect of social behavior and communication change for improved nutrition outcomes for Rwandan children and families.  

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