Gender equality is vital to achieve inclusive and sustainable development. While empowering women and girls to exercise their rights and build resilience, Three Stones believes it is also critical to actively engage men and boys as allies and advocates to challenge and eliminate oppressive gender norms and practices, gender-based discrimination and gender-based violence.
Gender is a central, cross-cutting driver of our work enabling a more inclusive word and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Therefore, we support stakeholders to realize their commitments to gender equality, women’s empowerment and women’s rights by providing guidance, management, coordination and technical support in:​
Gender mainstreaming: incorporating gender as a core policy and programmatic component for community and local organizations;
Programming and research: collaborative and participatory approach to ensure gender considerations are comprehensively integrated into the planning, design, and implementation of research and programming;
Promotion and advocacy: utilize gender-related findings and evidence-based practices in implementation to influence policy.
Our core areas of expertise include:
Strategic planning and capacity building for gender mainstreaming at organizational as well as programmatic level;
Gender policy development;
Developing gender sensitive budgets;
Organizational self-assessments of gender needs and capacity;
Gender-sensitive program evaluations including DFID and USAID funded programs;
Gender training for religious leaders and faith based organizations;
Conducting social research with gender dimensions;
Designing gender equality and gender-based violence prevention behavior change communication interventions for cross-sector programming.